Advanced Analytics
CPSC Modifier Adjustments
The CPSC applies modifier adjustments that align RVUs to CMS payment policies, allowing up to 3 modifiers within the file format. Medicare rules are used to determine codes eligible for adjustment.
Custom Specialty and Subspecialty Productivity Benchmarks
Annually, the CPSC produces a series of custom benchmarks to inform productivity (work and total RVUs per 1.0 cFTE, patient panels) based on practice variations. We are also able to customize benchmarks based on requested parameters.
Examples include: Neurosurgery and Otolaryngology subsets, physicians supporting transplant patient management (Hepatology, Pulmonology, Nephrology, and Cardiology) and Gastroenterology subsets.
Medicare Impact Analysis
Each year the AAMC-Vizient, Inc. Clinical Practice Solutions Center® provides organizations with institution-specific Medicare Impact Analyses. The analysis models the current year Medicare payments based on the volumes of CPT codes billed in the previous year.
GPCI-adjusted payments are calculated for the two years and the net changes are displayed. The report is grouped at the department and specialty level.
Chargemaster Report
Displays the average charge by member organization and compares it to a GPCI-adjusted Medicare allowed payment and benchmark value at the specialty, CPT range and CPT code levels.
The CPSC can provide processed line-item data submitted back to the organization in order to build internal dashboards.
Payment per Work and Total RVU
Available for Revenue Cycle Suite participants
Trended data and comparative benchmarking based on commercial business GPCI-adjusted payments reported for the organization overall and by specialty. The report helps in identifying the highest and lowest specialties compared to the median benchmark.
Advanced Practice Provider (APP)/Non-MD Reporting
Provides detailed views of how APP work is billed, performed and distributed within your organization.
Custom adhoc analytics
Reporting not found within the CPSC website (adhoc custom requests)